ARTICLE-XT for PDF Demo version user manual 1. Why do I need Article-XT for PDF? The XTension Article-XT for QuarkXPress supports the creation of Adobe Acrobat PDF files based on XPress documents. Using this XTension, article definitions can easily be made from within QuarkXPress. Moreover, text boxes that are linked together in QuarkXPress automatically belong to the same article when converted to a PDF file. To create a PDF file, you usually generate a PostScript file from the XPress document and let Acrobat Distiller convert it to a PDF file. The result can be viewed on screen using the Acrobat Reader. To make reading of PDF files on the screen more convenient, related text blocks can be put together into an article, which is presented by the Acrobat Reader piece by piece at a suitable magnification. Thus, an article may span several columns or pages without having the reader to search for the continuation at the end of a column or page. Without Article-XT, these articles have to be defined using the Acrobat Exchange software. Since the different parts of a story cannot be included in an article automatically, this can be very tedious and time consuming if the story covers many columns and pages. If you use Article-XT, things are completely different. Article-XT makes use of the fact that the original text boxes in the QuarkXPress document are linked together as a text chain. Article-XT automatically considers linked text boxes as an article, but of course you can also combine unlinked text boxes or even picture boxes (e.g. boxes containing tables or text as EPS files) to an article. Article-XT exports these article definitions into QuarkXPressÕ PostScript output and Acrobat Distiller includes them in the final PDF file. The result is a PDF file containing convenient article definitions for improved on-screen readability Ð without making use of Acrobat Exchange. 2. Installing Article-XT To install the demo version of Article-XT, simply copy the file ÒArticle-XT DemoÓ into the ÒXTensionÓ subfolder of your QuarkXPress folder and relaunch QuarkXPress. 3. How to use Article-XT In the most simple cases, all you have to do is install Article-XT. In its default settings, Article-XT handles all text boxes as articles and includes corresponding article definitions in QuarkXPressÕ PostScript output. Linked text boxes are automatically exported as a single article. After converting the PostScript output to a PDF file, you can immediately use the Adobe Acrobat ReaderÕs Article tool to display the text. For a more detailed control of the article definitions created by Article-XT, you can assign an article name to text or picture boxes. Of course, boxes with the same article name belong to the same article. Article-XT lets you also specify the order in which the boxes appear in the article. Article-XT adds two menu items: the ÒShow ArticleÓ item in the View menu opens the Article Palette and the ÒArticleÓ item in the Utilities menu is actually a submenu containing the commands ÒUsageÓ, ÒSettingsÓ and ÒHelpÓ. The same commands can be found in the right-hand popup menu in the Article Palette 4. The Article Palette The Article Palette lets you assign an article name to text or picture boxes and control their position within the article. For the currently selected box, the palette shows the assigned article and the boxÕs position within this article. Text boxes that are linked together are viewed as a single text, thus they always belong to the same article and share the same position. To assign an article to a box, simply enter the article name in the palette. If the article already exists, its name can be selected from the left-hand popup menu, the article menu. This menu contains two special names: ÒUntitledÓ and ÒNo ArticleÓ. Boxes that have not been assigned an article are ÒUntitledÓ. An option in the Article-XT Settings dialog lets you specify whether article definitions should be created for untitled text boxes. A box with the name ÒNo ArticleÓ does not belong to any article and no article information is created for it. For picture boxes, ÒUntitledÓ means the same as ÒNo ArticleÓ. To change the position of a box within its article, select the new position from the second popup menu, the position menu. The other boxes in the article change their positions accordingly. Located on the right side of the Article Palette is the command menu that lets you open the Article Usage window, the Article-XT Settings dialog and the Online Help. 5. The Article Usage Window Choose ÒUsageÉÓ from the ÒUtilities: ArticleÓ menu or from the Article Palette's command menu to open a window that lists all text boxes in a document in page order. It shows which boxes have been assigned to an article and which are untitled. It also lists picture boxes that have been assigned. A small mark ( ) beside a page number in the ÒPageÓ column refers to a box that is located on the pasteboard near the specified page. The ÒPartÓ column shows the position of the text or box within its article. For text boxes, the ÒBoxÓ column contains the position of the box within its story. The ÒContentÓ column shows the beginning of the text in a text box or the name of the image contained in a picture box. If an image has been pasted into a picture box through the clipboard, this column shows ÒPicture without FileÓ. 6. The Article-XT Settings Choose ÒSettingsÉÓ from the ÒUtilities: ArticleÓ menu or from the Article Palette's command menu to open a dialog that lets you select several settings for Article-XT. Create Articles: Choose ÒAlwaysÓ to create articles, no matter which printer type is selected. If ÒAdobe Acrobat OnlyÓ is selected, the printer type in QuarkXPress' Page Setup dialog must be set to ÒAcrobat DistillerÓ in order to create article information. If ÒNoÓ is selected, no article information is created. Untitled Text Stories: If the option ÒShow WarningsÓ is activated, Article-XT displays a warning if you print pages containing untitled text boxes. If ÒCreate ArticlesÓ is checked, article information is created for untitled texts. Titled Objects: If titled boxes are duplicated or copied using the clipboard, they keep their names if ÒCopy with NameÓ is selected. If an article with the same name exists in the document, the copied box is appended to the end of this article. If this option is not checked, boxes are copied without their article names. Article Prefix: The Article Prefix precedes each article name, separated by a colon. You can set the Article Prefix to the document name or to an arbitrary, user-defined text. 7. System Requirements Article-XT requires a Mac or PowerMac running QuarkXPress 3.32 or higher and Adobe Acrobat Distiller 2.0 or higher. The Chooser extension Acrobat PDFWriter is not supported. 8. Restrictions of the Demo Version This demo version of Article-XT is restricted in two ways: 1. The demo version is limited to 5 frames per article. 2. Article assignments cannot be exchanged between the demo version and the full version of Article-XT. Apart from these restrictions, the demo version offers the same functionality as the full version. The full version is delivered with a printed user manual. Article-XT for PDF 1.0 was created by Tobias Boskamp Consulting ¥ Software Development Ostendorfer Str. 39 D-27726 Worpswede Tel.: +49 - 4792 - 95 04 75 Fax: +49 - 4792 - 95 04 76 E-Mail: © Copyright 1996-97, Tobias Boskamp QuarkXPressª is a registered trademark of Quark, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. XTensionª is a trademark of Quark, Inc. Adobe, Acrobat, Distiller, Exchange and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. QUARK, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ENCLOSED COMPUTER SOFTWARE PACKAGE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY, OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. QUARK, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF THE DISTRIBUTORS, RETAILERS AND DEVELOPERS OF THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT SHALL QUARK, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN ANY WAY RELATING TO THE USE OR ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE. QUARK, INC.ÕS LIABILITY SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00). THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IS NOT ALLOWED IN SOME AREAS, SO THESE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.